SPEAKER, HEALER, AUTHOR, COACH, Mary’s unique and powerful presence and focus come directly from the heart. The energy she brings to all her healing sessions, products and programs are delivered with a purity and form that transform any challenge into release with light and love. Mary’s process is to fully hold her clients in an energetic embrace of wholeness using her H.E.A.R.T. healing protocol which is always present in her sessions and products. This creates a sensation of being held in a cocoon of love and safety, enabling deep and profound shifts into the truth of who you are.

Mary's profound healing abilities are delivered through her many proprietary modalities of healing. She's created these energy systems out of her deep understanding of the soul's journey, seeing inside the truth of who you are, guiding you to your joy.

Mary has a unique ability to authentically see your beautiful light. That coupled with her ever expanding invention of new content and paths to take you deeper, have made her an all-time favorite for those looking for richer, fuller, thriving lives.

All of Mary's products carry her proprietary H.E.A.R.T Energy. Each of these transformative programs contain an almost miraculous power and magic, there to shift your life into one you love. Many experience instant changes, that deepen over time.

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Daily H.E.A.R.T. Meditation
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