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Receive Healing Imbued Energies for Your Abundance!
Take time to sit back and relax as you allow yourself to soak in the beautiful healing energies and healing frequencies that are imbued on this audio.
As you follow, Mary’s voice, you will be lead through a healing of your abundance energy – through all elements of time and space.
You will experience your unique abundance energy in the present moment… and then the energy will expand through all space and time – healing your past, present and future.
Receive a moving, energetic blessing as you watch how Spirit guides us through Mary to really embrace every aspect of ourselves and our abundance — healing all elements in every moment of time.
Many who have listened to this audio have felt such an abundance blessing that it took their breath away. It even took Mary’s breath away!
“What an enormously beautiful energetic blessing! I feel the joyful peace extending forward and backward through time.”
“Thank you so much, Mary and friends, for sharing the power of your beautiful hearts with so many.”
“In opening our hearts to receive this blessing, we are all called to share our resonating love.”
This will definitely be a healing call that you will want to listen to again and again – especially as thoughts from the past or worry for the future come up for you!
Simply fill in the form below and you will have instant access to the Healing Your Abundance – Past, Present and Future (value $47.00) as my gift to you. (This is a downloadable version only.)
I hope you enjoy the heartfelt meditation to help you achieve exactly what you want.
NOTE: H.E.A.R.T. accesses the pure and primary essence of love energy, I have discovered a way to imbued this healing audio with the high frequency energy of love during this beautiful healing journey. Enjoy!
Thank you for your commitment to your ongoing abundance and wellness in creating your best life!
Mary A. Hall