Love Octave Coaching Group Page – Fall 2014

Remember to REFRESH this page each time you come here….
there are new things being added everyday!

Note: Because this is a super long page… also allow time for it to fully load each time you REFRESH the page… thanks!

Welcome To Your Private Coaching Group Page


Dates, Details and Call & Webcast Access

You will be receiving ongoing Healing Energies and Love Frequencies Daily… throughout the duration of this program


Begins August 9th and continues through Sept 10th

All Weekday CALLS will be at 4:00pm (PT) – (California Time zone)
AND ALL Saturday CALLS are at 12:30pm (PT) – (California Time zone)

Dates For Item 1: 5-Week Live Interactive Coaching Program:
Week 1: Saturday Aug 9, Monday Aug 11, Wednesday Aug 13
Week 2: Saturday Aug 16, Wednesday Aug 20
Week 3: Saturday Aug 23, Wednesday Aug 27
Week 4: Saturday Aug 30, Wednesday Sept 3
Week 5: Saturday Sept 6, Wednesday Sept 10
ADDED Saturday Sept 13th (due to Sept 3rd cancelation)
ADDED Special 12th Call – Saturday Sept 20th

PLUS the exciting news with these live calls, is you will have access to all the audio recordings/replays so you can listen and re-listen as often as you would like.

So if you aren’t able to listen in live – you will still have access to all of the Coaching Calls (the audios) along with all the healing & love energies within the calls.


There is nothing you need to do. By simply signing up and saying YES, you are fully receiving the LOVE and HEALING Energies being offered.

These energies and frequencies are continual whether you are able to join in the live calls or not… you still fully and completely receive all of the wonderful healing aspects and love frequencies being offered and sent your way

By joining us, you are receiving deep, concentrated, grace-filled, focused intense LOVE AND HEALING ENERGIES… and expanding energies of harmony, manifestation, love, wholeness and abundance.

As you have said ‘Yes” your “being” is attuning to the frequencies of Love and Healing…

These higher vibrating energies are here embracing and bathing you, allowing in for true miracles in your life.


Time Zone Converter for Live Coaching Calls :



Call #1 – Saturday, August 9th @ 12:30pm (PT)

Replay and download access is up.

After Event – Replay and Download:

Call #2 – Monday, August 11th @ 4:00pm (PT)

Replay and download access is up.

After Event – Replay and Download:

Call #3 – Wednesday, August 13th @ 4:00pm (PT)

Replay and download access is up.

Today Mary opened the lines to work one-on-one with individuals… Know that this is a beautiful group dynamic process that allows all of us to glean from all those that Mary works with today, as we each do a process along with each caller, allowing us a beautiful opportunity to move into more grace and love.

After Event – Replay and Download:

I wanted to share my heart-felt love that came through for you today…. (love from Spirit)

I believe in you…

even when you can’t quite
believe in yourself…

I love you…

even when you feel
unworthy and afraid…

I see you…

even when it’s scary
to be seen…

I see your brillance,
your beauty,
your uniqueness,
your dignity…

I see you are worthy of love,
for you ARE Love…

the Love that you are,
wants to dance with you…

For you are a magnificent being of love and light…
I see You… I love you… I believe in you!

Love you deeply,

Call #4 – Saturday, August 16th @ 12:30pm (PT)

Replay and download access is up.

After Event – Replay and Download:

Are you willing to take the PLEDGE with me!

MyPledge-I am Enough

Here I am with no makeup, flaws and all… and I am enough and I am willing to love all of me!


Thank YOU so much for creating this Surya Devi and for this beautiful reminder!!

Call #5 – Wednesday, August 20th @ 4:00pm (PT)

Replay and download access is up.

On Wednesday Mary opened the lines to work one-on-one with individuals… Know that this is a beautiful group dynamic process that allows all of us to glean from all those that Mary works with today, as we each do a process along with each caller, allowing us a beautiful opportunity to move into more grace and love.

Note: I would love to open up the possibility that everyone who raises there hand (*2 on your phone key pad) to speak with me…
FIRST start out with sharing 1 or 2 Ah-ha’s and Awarenesses that you are gleaning so far and are discovering about yourself, noticing, becoming aware of, as well as your new awarenesses of LOVE (including compassion and forgiveness)…. before you move into your question or where you are desiring help tonight. (I am excited to be working with all of you… Love and Hugs… Mary)

After Event – Replay and Download:


Thank you Linda Kiernan‎ for sharing such a beautiful heart-opening image…. it says it all!

Call #6 – Saturday, August 23th @ 12:30pm (PT)

Replay and download access is up.

After Event – Replay and Download:

Monday, August 25th – 5:30pm (PT) Special BONUS Healing Activation with Veronica Runyon

Replay and download access is up for this Bonus call. (See below)

Tonight we are inviting you into our Abundance Alive community.

As a Special Bonus, tonight Veronica will be guiding us through a healing activation, inviting us to release those things that we are holding against ourselves and towards others so that we can access the sacredness of our heart in a new and profound way.

We are all being called to align more deeply with our heart, which is where we access our truth and when we do, we naturally step into a state of thriving and well-being where healing, abundance and miracles abound.

As you sit or lie down to receive these healing frequencies, you will be gently guided to release any heaviness or tension that you may be holding onto in your heart, thus allowing it to resonate more freely and deeply.

What shows up when we release all of these judgments towards ourselves or others, is that we are able to fully connect within to our sacred heart space – our light, our truth, and in our highest vibration.

After Event – Replay and Download:

Call #7 – Wednesday, August 27th @ 4:00pm (PT)

Replay and download access is up.

Mary guided us through a clearing and releasing process that allowed all that was no longer serving us, our memories, events, emotions, thoughts… to gently be released from our beings.

Then with loving support of the transmuting power of the sun and solar sun… these dense, heavier energies transformed and dissolved – not even leaving a trace of the original energies.

This allowed us to experience our ‘lightness of being’, feeling free and at peace… which opened us up to the Divine dance of love. Experiencing ourselves as love and light and becoming aware of the Divine dance of life and all the love that is here always present for us.

After Event – Replay and Download:

Call #8 – Saturday, August 30th @ 12:30pm (PT)

Replay and download access is up.

Today Mary opened the lines to work one-on-one with individuals… Know that this is a beautiful group dynamic process that allows all of us to glean from all those that Mary works with today, as we each do a process along with each caller, allowing us a beautiful opportunity to move into more grace and love.

Note: I would love to open up the possibility that everyone who raises there hand (*2 on your phone key pad) to speak with me…
FIRST start out with sharing 1 or 2 Ah-ha’s and Awarenesses that you are gleaning so far and are discovering about yourself, noticing, becoming aware of, as well as your new awarenesses of LOVE (including compassion and forgiveness)…. before you move into your question or where you are desiring help tonight. (I am excited to be working with all of you… Love and Hugs… Mary)

After Event – Replay and Download:

Call #9 – Wednesday, September 3rd @ 4:00pm (PT)

So sorry! Today’s coaching call is canceled. Mary is feeling under the weather and is resting today. She will be back with you on Saturday.

We will be adding one more call to the schedule to make up for this call.

Thank you for your compassion and understanding.

Call #9 (not #10) – Saturday, September 6th @ 12:30pm (PT)

This is our 9th call (due to the fact that there was no call on Wed Sept 3rd)

Replay and download access is up.

After Event – Replay and Download:


Thank you Surya Devi for this beautiful image!

Forgiveness is like having the darkness of hurt and regret – dissolved by the light… this photo is such a beautiful reminder of the power of love lighting our way!

Forgiveness is courageous… Forgiveness is a courageous act!
It is the willingness to forgive ourselves and others so that we can LIVE again fully, freely with love and wholeness… (and therefore releasing our own bondage). So much love here for each of you…

Call #10 (not #11) – Wednesday, September 10th @ 4:00pm (PT)

This is our 10th call (due to the fact that there was no call on Wed Sept 3rd)

The replay and download access is up below:


Beautiful Rumi quote belowed shared by Jennifer:

“Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.” ~ Rumi

After Event – Replay and Download:

NEW ADDED Call #11 – Saturday, September 13th @ 12:30pm (PT)

Today is our 11th call (this is an new added call to make up for the call missed on Wed Sept 3rd)

Replay and download access is up.


After Event – Replay and Download:

Below is a process for exploring and discovering what you really want…


Here is a simple yet powerful series of questions to explore…
To be able to tap into what you REALLY want!

This excercise allows you to explore and tap into your heart’s true desire and purpose as well as incorporating and partnering with Abundance Energy

This exercise gently leads you to your heart’s desire (the highest vibration) for what you REALLY want! The key to truly finding and co-creating in the high vibrating abundance creation energy.

(Play full out and answer the simple questions below)

What do I want? _______________________

What would _______________________ provide for you? _______________________

What would _______________________ provide for you? _______________________


What would _______________________ provide for you? _______________________

What would _______________________ provide for you? _______________________

What would _______________________ provide for you? _______________________

What would _______________________ provide for you? _______________________

What would _______________________ provide for you? _______________________

What would _______________________ provide for you? _______________________

What would you being doing if ___________________________? ____________________________________________________________________________





As you get down to seeing and opening to the true abundance energies of flow, freedom, joy and possiblity around what you want…. The key is to play in the creation energy of the abundance frequencies you have just opened up for yourself… and ‘PLAY’ in “Wouldn’t it be nice” with these abundance frequencies.

Below is an EXAMPLE of exploring what you want: (IE:MORE MONEY)

What do I want? ___More Money____

What would _____More Money____ provide for you? _____Less Stress_____

What would ______Less Stress_______ provide for you? ____Ability to Breath____

What would _____Ability to Breath_______ provide for you? _______Feel at Peace_____

What would ______Feeling at Peace______ provide for you? ______To Enjoy Life_______

What would ______Enjoying Life________ provide for you? ______Free to Be Me_______

What would ___Being Free to Be Me___ provide for you? ___I Could Do Anything__

What would __I Could Do Anything___ provide for you? __Feeling ALL is Possible__

What would you being doing if _____ALL is Possible_____? ____________________________________________________________________________




Special BONUS Miracle Healing Activation
with Veronica Runyon
Monday, September 15th – 5:30pm (PT)

Replay and download available below:

Today we invited you into our Abundance Alive community.

As a Special Bonus, Veronica guiding us through a healing activation, inviting each to choose ONE thing you would like to have ‘healed’ in your life.

This one thing can be finances, a relationship, a work situation, physical discomfort, a spiritual shift — anything that is ‘up’ for us at the time of the call.

As we choose this one thing, she will then lead us through a live healing to enable us to release and invite in a miracle, surrendering the situation to Spirit.

As you sit or lie down to receive these healing frequencies, you will be gently guided in opening your heart and allowing in a miracle.

We are all being called to align more deeply with our heart, which is where we access our truth and when we do, we naturally step into a state of thriving and well-being where healing, abundance and miracles abound.

After Event – Replay and Download:

BONUS Call – Tuesday, September 16th @ 4:00pm
Sharing about Radical Forgiveness

This Tuesday Carolyn Mair will be joining all of us in sharing about Radical Forgiveness and how we can allow through a very simply process to open up to forgiveness with much more ease.


Carolyn J. Mair, MEd., CHC, AADP
Ministerial Teacher

  • Healing Ministry
  • Ministerial Program
  • Radical Forgiveness Therapy Practitioner
  • The Institute for Radical Forgiveness, Therapy & Coaching, Inc.
  • Certified Integrated Health Coach~Body-Mind-Spirit
  • The Institute of Integrative Nutrition
  • Member of American Association for Drugless Practitioners
  • Certified Teacher Specializing in Special Education, ADHD, Autism
  • Master’s Degree Special Education, Western Oregon University
  • Clearing Traumatic Energy
  • Reiki II
  • Emotional Freedom Tapping
  • Ho’oponopono


Carolyn is passionate about this work and how opening to forgiveness pulls all the pieces of ourselves back together in such a beautiful honoring space.

“I love holding a loving compassion space and helping to be a catalyst for others to find their own answers within. Finding full self-love and appreciation makes the shift from living as a victim to living in joy!”

You may desire to schedule a Forgiveness & Empowerment Session Facilitation In Person Or By Phone with Carolyn J. Mair (Details below:)

Personal one-on-one work with Carolyn gives you an opportunity to deepen your understanding of self, forgiveness, & empowerment by sharing your personal experiences with confidentiality. Carolyn holds the space of deep listening, love, non-judgement, and compassion. She then guides you through the processes, technology, worksheets and tools you will use to apply to one or more particular situations you are willing to release and forgive.

Carolyn is available for coaching in person or by phone. Her rates are $95 for the first 90 minute session and $95 an hour for any follow up sessions. To schedule a session with Carolyn email her directly at:

The 5 Stages of Radical Forgiveness

The power of this process to to be able to share each aspect out loud with an individual you can trust. This could be anyone you fully trust to support you and give you the non-judgement space to be fully vuneralble in sharing your story and each stage of this process. Carolyn is also available to support you in your forgiveness journey… She will hold you in a compassionate, loving space as you freely and openly share each of these five stages with her – she will also provide gentle guidance as needed through each stage with compassionate witnessing and understanding. below.

Telling the Story where you get to tell your story (whatever is causing your greatest pain and keeping you stuck). You will experience compassionate listening while holding the space of love and non-judgement, honoring you and your story as being your truth in the moment.

Feeling the Feelings… This is a crucial point that Authentic Power resides in our capacity to feel the feelings fully and show up as fully human. When we give ourselves permission to access our pain, true HEALING begins!

Collapsing the Story… This step looks at how our story began and how our interpretations of events led to certain (false) beliefs…have determined how we think about ourselves and how we have lived our lives.

Reframing the Story… We allow ourselves to shift our perception. Instead of seeing the situation as a tragedy, we become willing to see that it was in fact exactly what we wanted to experience and was absolutely essential for our growth. In that sense, it was perfect. Giving up the need to figure it out, surrendering to the idea that the gift is contained in the situation.

Integration… After we have allowed ourselves to be willing to see the perfection in the situation and turned our stories into ones of Gratitude, it is necessary to integrate it into the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies so that it becomes a part of who we truly are…like saving it to the hard-drive…Only then will it become permanent.

Emerge-n-See Forgiveness Process
The 4-step Radical Forgiveness Process

Step 1: “Look what I created”
Simply ‘NOTICE’ without any judgment… “Isn’t that Interesting?”

This first step reminds us that we are the creators of our reality. Do not assume guilt for what happens. Take responsibility, but do so free of any self-judgment or criticism. Being quick to judge, we often use this step as a way to beat ourselves up. We say, (“Look what I have created. Oh, it’s terrible—I must be a terrible person, a spiritual failure.”) Please do not fall into this trap, for if you do, you buy into the illusion.

Step 2.“I notice my judgments and love myself anyway.”

This step acknowledges as humans we automatically attach a whole string of judgments, interpretations, questions, and beliefs to situations. Our task involves accepting the imperfection of our own humanity and loving ourselves for having these judgments, including the one which says we must be a bad, spiritually-moribund person for creating this reality. Our judgments are part of ourselves, so we must love them as we love ourselves. This connects us with what actually is happening in our body and mind and brings us into the present through our feelings. Our energy then shifts quickly and allows us to go to the third and fourth steps of this process.

Step 3 “I am willing to see the perfection in the situation.”

The willingness step represents the essential one in any genuine forgiveness process, be it traditional or Radical. It equates to a prayerful surrendering in the moment to the divine plan and the willingness to love ourselves for not being able to see this plan directly. Another way to say it is, “I am willing to see the hand of God in the situation.”

Step Four: “I choose the power of peace.”

This fourth step represents a consequence of all the previous steps. By accepting that divine purpose is served in this situation and what appears to be occurring may be illusionary, we choose to feel peace and to use the power of peace in whatever actions are required of us. The power of peace is found when we are totally present in the moment, acting with clarity and focus to do whatever may be required, and totally aware of our feelings.

Replay and Download below:

After Event – Replay and Download:

NEW & Final Call #12
Saturday, September 20th @ 12:30pm (PT)

Dial-in and Webcast Access

Phone Number:

Count Down Timer:


Question & Comment Form:

After Event – Replay and Download:

Energies of the HEART



“Noticing” (without attaching meaning to it)
the “Observer” effect
Peace (form of peaceful detachment)


Creation Energy (we are creators, creative beings)
“Allowing all to be blessed in our creations” (blessing of all, exalting and upliftment of all)

Also within the energy and essense of the Heart is:

FREEDOM “I am Freedom”
CHOICE “I am” Choice
GRACE “I am Grace”


If you would love to continue to connect and receive support, access to other programs that Mary offers and receive live one-one-one coaching…

You will definitely want to check out Abundance Alive. This healing and coaching community is here to support you in your awakening and remembering of the love and light you ARE… as well as your connection and birthright in abundance.

Abundance Alive is a monthly membership… I hope you all can join in this continuing ongoing adventure and awakening into love, wholeness and abundance.



Golden Silence – All Is Possible Audios

Receive Healing, Love Imbued Energies for Your Abundance!

Sit back and relax as you take time to gift yourself by soaking in the beautiful healing abundance energies with love and healing frequencies that are imbued on this very special audio.

Many who have listened to this audio have felt such an opening of flow in abundance blessing that it took their breath away.

“What an enormously beautiful energetic blessing! I feel the joyful peace and abundance extending and opening within me.”

“In opening our hearts to receive this blessing, we are all called to share our resonating love.”

This healing ‘All is Possible’ energy audio is definitely an audio that you will want to play again and again as you further expand and open to allow in your own abundance which is your Divine birthright!

Here is the link to your special bonus gift – there are 3 audio’s to choose from. 1) is completely silent. 2) is completely silent with chime at beginning and end. 3) is completely silent with chimes through out. ENJOY!

*** Here is a NEW REVISED link to your BONUS Golden Silence Mp3 Audios:

2 Special Gifts from Jennifer McLean



2 Special Gifts from Jennifer McLean

1st GIFT:
Body Dialog Session with Jennifer that explores GIFTING another with their PATH

What a POWERFUL call!

Jennifer started by moving into a new state of allowing.]

Here we’re working on allowing others to embrace and experience their own path (regardless of how we may object to their actions) and in the process, we’re taking back our happiness.

This process allows us to experience true contentment without relying on another person’s actions to create that for us. How AMAZING is that?

We all have our own soul journeys and paths we’re here to walk. We’re creating our own reality and as we experience new pockets of density, we have the opportunity to learn from and grow through them. Each moment of upset is an opportunity for expansion.

Honor your path, allow others to lead their own and honor humanity with the gift of freedom. None of us are doing anything wrong – this is life, showing up as light and love. Just allow it all to exist and know that you can sustain your own peace and happiness.

2nd GIFT:
Jennifers August 2014 Prayer Circle
Healing prayers of thousands coming together exploring the power of love!

Jennifer and thousands came together far and wide for the eighth 14/14 Prayer Circle – all joined in journeying into and embodying the all-encompassing, eternal field of Divine Love.

Our collective intention allowed us to anchor every aspect of self into the present moment and create a huge matrix of healing that enveloped and nurtured all, igniting a holistic global healing.

As we expanded and progressed into beautifully new levels of love-based consciousness, we connected with and felt our Company of Heaven celebrate and rejoice with us.

From this heightened place of awareness, we attuned to the whispers of Gaia, where we discovered even deeper levels of love, nourishment, support and light that washed over us and onto all those in need of love, compassion, abundance, healing, health, wholeness, flow and safety – infusing Divine beauty into all of life’s events and allowing for the expansion of all souls everywhere.


Here is the link to our private FaceBook group:

We invite you to post your intention for healing on our private FaceBook group.

NOTE: You must first sign-in to your own personal facebook account… then click on the above link. You will then be taken to the private facebook page. Next, you will request to be added to the private group by clicking on [+ Join Group] and we will personally verify your registration and accept your request.

Please take the time to share your INTENTION on facebook.

The INTENTION you post is to encompass the energy of what you desire to experience (vs. what you don’t want to be experiencing any more.

i.e. My intention is to experience more ease in life with a body that moves with ease and grace. (vs. I want to be free of pain)

Look at the true energy that you would like to be LIVING IN (vs. what you don’t want anymore of)

I look forward to joining you in your beautiful intentions!

ALSO if you don’t have a facebook account, no worries, you can post your intention below at the bottom of this page.



Return To Love Healing Fest – Audio #1

Audio #1 Replay and Download

Below is another replay and download option for you to choose from.

In our first call, we were held in a beautiful energy of love. The amazing force of love was with us, embracing us, enveloping us and sinking into every part of our body and being.

We were led to connect into our own unique heart centers and spent some time there while we explored the nuances that revealed themselves to us.

We allowed this energy to expand. As we watched this beautiful energy of love expand… it expanded from our hearts out into our physical bodies where we received deep healings of love into every part of our body.

This golden liquid energy of love filled every nook and cranny of our body – down to our cells and dna – to the point where we were giggling with excitement experiencing the beautiful expansion.

Return To Love Healing Fest – Audio #2

Audio #2 Replay and Download

Below is another replay and download option for you to choose from.

In our 2nd call, we opened a space to hold all of our intentions with the amazing power of the consciousness of this community, we also experienced a profound physical healing and a healing of the heart.

Through the heart healing, we were reminded to live and act from our heart – which holds our innate wisdom and magnificence in addition to being our connection to the rhythm of the Universe.

We were reminded about the beauty of the rhythm of the Universe – the force of nature – which acts like a symphony, bringing together all components in life to create a beautiful symphony.

We are each an integral part of this symphony and it is only our thoughts or beliefs that causes us to forget this.

We experienced a release into the rhythm of the universe and through this release we experienced a remembering of the infiniteness that we are – as bearers of great light – and we were encouraged to go forward and illuminate our light into the world.

Return To Love Healing Fest – Audio #3

Audio #3 Replay and Download

Below is another replay and download option for you to choose from.

The call began by us experiencing the aspect of ‘receiving’ the love that is here for us. We saw that we are all truly worthy and that the love envelops us and immerses in our being whether we believe in our worthiness or not.

We then held our intentions in the embrace of the group and allowed the love to penetrate our intentions.

We heard that as we offer blessings to others, we in turn receive.

And so when we extended a blessing around our own specific intention to others who also yearn for that same intention, we experienced them receiving… we became the vibration of receiving too.

We explored all aspects of our lives – physical well-being, finances, harmony in relationships, and emotional health, and so much more.

As we held others and blessed them in their intentions, we also experienced a receiving of the energy.

It was truly so sacred and profound that it is one you will want to listen to more than once.

Return To Love Healing Fest – Audio #4

Audio #4 Replay and Download

Below is another replay and download option for you to choose from.

This call was so deep and sacred that it moved me to tears on the call!

We were led into this deep opening of love where our wounds, worries and challenges were held in a loving embrace.

We were all acknowledged for who we are, for the paths we are on and for the light that we are.

We heard that even the perceived ‘darkness’, ‘heaviness’ or ‘lower emotions’ are all part of the perfection of who we are and they form an integral part of this beautiful life we have chosen to experience.

That our lives and our unique path is beautiful and perfect, leading us here to this moment of connection and embraced in love…

…and that we are not our emotions, but within this human experience we have simply experienced them. We are not our emotions, but an aliveness so much greater, and our emotions do not define us.

We were all held in such a beautiful energy of love.

The amazing force of love was with us, embracing us, enveloping all, including our emotions and all we have experienced in this beautiful path and journey we are on… with love embracing us and acknowledging our life is ‘good’!

Return To Love Healing Fest – Bonus Healing

Bonus Audio Replay and Download

Special Bonus Healing Activation Call

As you may know, I have a membership community called Abundance Alive and in the community we hold a Support Circle call on Mondays.!

We invited you to join us where Mary and Veronica held a healing space and offered a healing activation!!

As we allowed the healing energies to build… Veronica guided us through an energetic healing, where she opened up a space to allow us to re-connect and re-align us to our Truth — our Light — and to the Universe. !

As we reconnected to the truth of who we are and as we re-align with the energy of spirit — the infiniteness of the Universe, those aspects of our lives that no longer serve us dissolved, released and disappeared.

Sit back, relax and allow yourself to be bathed in these healing energies, knowing that your system will know exactly what to do to receive these energies and re-align with the Truth of who you are!

Return To Love Healing Fest – Audio #5

Audio #5 Replay and Download

Below is another replay and download option for you to choose from.

In our 5th live Healing Call , we were led to invoke and ‘call in’ the healing solar light into our bodies and beings.

Solar light is the soul of the physical sun. In the same way that the physical sun sustains life on the earth plane, the energy of solar light reaches many dimensions and sustains life and energy on the earth.

This is a light and energy of beauty, perfection and love, encoded with DNA rejuvenating intelligence and healing reviving frequencies of light.

We were then guided through a process where we called this energy to us, into us, and then soaked in it and radiated it out, through our body and being into our environment, and out into the planet.

It was quite a sacred process because as we did this, we access the wisdom of the Universe.The wisdom of Source – which contains the answers to all of our questions and the solutions to all of our ‘perceived’ problems.

We then infused this energy into the days, weeks, months and years to come, infiltrating and permeating our lives, all our environments and events so that they will be the highest opportunities for the expansion of our soul.

The love and healing solar light energies were experienced and felt deeply within the sacred energies on the call…

We were all amazed as our futures were infused with this higher vibrating energies of love and light. What an absolute joy!

Return To Love Healing Fest – BONUS Healing

Special Bonus Healing Activation Audio

Bonus Replay and Download

Last week we invited you to join us on a special healing activation call on my membership community called Abundance Alive and in the community we hold a Support Circle call on Mondays.

For SO many reasons, we would like to invite you to join us again for today’s call where Veronica will be facilitating a healing activation!

TODAY Mary and Veronica will be guiding all of us through an energetic healing, where we will be opening up a space to allow us to re-connect and re-align us to our Truth — our Light — and to the Universe.

As we reconnect to the truth of who we are and as we re-align with the energy of Spirit — the infiniteness of the Universe, those aspects of our lives that no longer serve us will dissolve, release and disappear.

Sit back, relax and allow yourself to be bathed in these healing energies, knowing that your system will know exactly what to do to receive these energies and re-align with the Truth of who you are.


YouTube Videos to Enjoy

HERE IS A BEAUTIFUL POWERPOINT – With photos of stillness in nature. The link below gives you access to download this powerpoint for your enjoyment. (This is a much smaller version due to the size requirement to up load this link on this site.) ENJOY the beauty of nature!!


I was out basking in nature this morning, listening to the birds songs, feeling the warmth of the sun, hearing the wind in the trees… experiencing the beautiful nurturing earth energy… so magical.

I was drawn to share these (8 hour long) videos to enjoy (in the background while you work or rest…) being surrounded in the beauty and sounds of nature.
Click the links below this photo and Enjoy Nature and its embrace!


Something I have been enjoying lately is allowing one of the below youtube videos of nature run in the background… while I am working at my computer. It feels like I am working in the middle of nature… sooo soothing and enriching.

AND now I am adding Golden Silence (with the chimes) to play on iTunes on my computer (while the nature sounds video is playing in the background)…. Holy Moly… it is wonderfuly basking in such uplifting energy along with the sounds of nature. — And anytime I want to SEE nature… I just click on the tab in my browser and there I am… SEEING the unfolding of the dance of life.

Relaxing Nature VIDEO with Water, Nature Sounds and Bird Songs
(8 hours):

Relaxing VIDEO of Sounds of Birds Singing in Nature and Water Sounds (8 hours) :

Here is one of my favorite videos… SO SWEET… This Song is – “We’re going to TRIP the LIGHT.. and break the Night (darkness)… and we’ll SEE with new EYES” … From people and cultures all over the world…. So heart warming it opens my heart everytime I see this! — Title of this video is – Where the Hell is Matt? 2012 – Matt spends his time traveling all over the world meeting new people and being welcomed as he lovingly embraces every person in every culture united in song and dance.

TODAY IS A NEW DAY… Compassionately embrace that YOU are NEW in it…
This is a healing video I created to open and expand your awareness to ALL the NEW possibilities within TODAY!
Infused with Love and Healing energies – Enjoy!

Here is a video with Jennifer McLean on Healing With The Masters and I am sharing about abundance and our unlimited support available to us.

Here is another video with Jennifer McLean on Healing With The Masters and I am sharing about compassion, love and abundance.

I highly suggest you do the “Sending Love” Rice Experiment:

We would like to suggest that each of you, take the time to do the rice experiment for the 5 weeks during this program. You will both be blessed and amazed… and VERY GLAD you did it. (And it is super simply…)

Things you need for your Rice Experiment:

Cooked rice
Follow directions and cook the rice… remove from stove and let it cool thoroughly.

2 containers with lids – sterilized (washed and dried thoroughly)
I used glass jars but I like the idea of using what you have. If you use plastic containers… just make sure you use the same type of containers and lids for both containers.

Place equal amounts of rice in each container and seal with airtight lid. (The idea is they each need to have the same amounts of rice and the same containers… because your mind will question this experiment… because the results are THAT amazing.)

Label the tops of the lids
I put a smiley face and a sad face on top of the lids because I know that words themselves carry energy too… and I did not want to influence my experiment. I wanted to see how my ENERGY of THOUGHT influenced the rice.

Decide which you will do… either put in refrigerator like I did or just place on the counteraway from heat or cold. [If you do not placed in the refrigerator, (use glass jars and lids) you
will see the rice will start showing change much, much faster.]

Now everyday, send ENERGY of Love to the rice in the smiley face jar and the Hate to the rice in the sad face jar.

This is such a fun way to ‘PLAY’ in the ENERGY of resonating LOVE. Stop and notice what it feels like in your body to ‘FEEL’ Love… and then when you are sending Hate… “FEEL” what that energy feels like in your body… YOU will begin to see some amazing awareness as you do this experiment

Beautiful Love Filled Images

Child is kissing a cat








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