Is here for each of us, as we enter into spring as we welcome new life.
There is also sweet gentle yearning to open up to a greater capacity to love, to release the past and all that was experienced so far in 2023… and to invite deep healing, receiving love’s powerful embrace, ushering in quantum healing transformation as we welcome love in.
LOVE is the central, most powerful, positive, energy in the universe, and as we hold ourselves and others in an energy of LOVE… the power of love leaves a lasting effect on us, as well as those we focus upon.
This has the potential to ignite each and every one of our souls to awaken to our truest essence and power of love and strength within.
LOVE is also a resilient sounding board that acts like a tuning fork to activate our innate stability, as we recalibrate our equilibrium and sense of self, in and even through seasons of change.
Join together in this power group dynamic to activate and generate the power of love.
Master intuitive coach and healer Mary A. Hall
is here to see, embrace, intuitively guide, and profoundly support you in love and healing energies…
Joining with hundreds of heart-centered individuals…
RECEIVING… 14 Days of Grace-Filled Regenerating
Love & Healing Energies to Embrace and Celebrate in Recalibrating to Joy …
Including a Total of 4 LIVE Quantum Healing and Group CALLS
First there will be 4 LIVE Quantum Healing Calls to realign and infuse you with love and healing energies PLUS a 2-Hour Group Healing Circle call.
Each LIVE Quantum Healing session are going to be filled with regenerative healing energies in the frequency of love.
Plus you will also be invited to join a 2-Hour Live Group Healing Circle Call to support you on even a deeper level in activating, generating and broadcasting the high vibrating symphony and power of love.
Get ready to experience the full complement of the deep and steadfast LOVE that surrounds you… the love of the Divine, the love that you are.
Yep… 14 full days of being bathed daily in these love and healing energy frequencies.
I can feel your system letting out a big fat AHHHHHHHHH at the thought.
So much so, that the process has already begun just by reading these words and allowing this profoundly supportive energy to embrace you right now.
This will be a Healing Journey like no other…
Mary A. Hall is a powerful conduit of love energy and is about to take you on one of the most profound journeys of your life.
She has the uncanny ability to direct the energy of love and healing in powerful quantum waves. Frequencies that gently but deeply activate within you a template of consciousness that you can easily access and use.
Mary will move you to the next most potent level of your evolutionary journey of love.
She will bring you to a place of stillness, a state of grace, a place within where you connect with your truest selves and really believe it, embrace it and love it.
Her masterful abilities of healing activation and attunements will also be infused with quantum waves of love and healing energies.
Mary will be transmitting and broadcasting these beautiful love and healing frequencies all day, every day for over 14 days.
Have you noticed that new things are stirring?
Maybe a sensation of acceleration…
It may look like an acceleration of things or the appearance and need to recalibrate, or an energetic quickening, or just that there is a marked sense of movement.
Those feelings and experiences are real, and now there is a way to not only support those energies but take command of them and use them for your soul’s evolution…
… An evolution to return to love
We are always emitting a vibrational, multidimensional, masterpiece – an energetic tapestry at all levels.
In this symphony of life we are co-creating vibrationally with each and every encounter we have with each other’s energy.
Each moment we have a choice…
We either default into another’s undesirable energy or we can attune ourselves to a higher vibration of LOVE.
This higher vibrational choice allows others to now join in our energy of love, harmony, light and wholeness that contributes to and positively impacts those we are in contact with in the circumstances of our lives.
So the question is how can we overcome habits of default behaviors and move into consistent alignment and activation of love and joy?
The answer is several fold:
- 1) Practice… the symphony of love… sharing and receiving from the framework of love, and in turn being supported and coached in that practice, can change it all
- 2) Being supported, coached and held in the energetic field of possibilities that we are wanting, helps with accountability and maintaining that new behavior
- 3) Bringing conscious awareness to the experiment of love, noticing the moments of both dissonance and harmony and loving it all
- 4) Holding the intention of healing and love by consciously receiving and sending blessings and love
- 5) Broadcasting love… ‘Do unto others’ opens us up to receive back what we are broadcasting as love, bringing consciousness to the symphonies of energies we are creating
This 5-fold answer encompasses how you will further be supported in this program.
You also have the opportunity to join in the LIVE healing calls with Mary to attune and grow in the power of love and learn new profound wisdom that love offers through her profound teachings.
Allowing and receiving of these love and quantum healing energies… opens us up to the freedom of choice. Creating the evidence of this love in our lives is the intention for this 14-day program.
PLUS, The Powerful Combined Healing Group Dynamic Will Exponentially Support You
This powerful group dynamic is where miracles and Ah-ha’s unfold.
As we come together in love and healing energies, in this large community of beautiful souls, open to RECEIVING… A magical quantum consciousness occurs.
This quantum consciousness is awakened when 2 or more are gathered.
As we come together, we unleash the power of love and healing and the whole group benefits from this miraculous life-giving energy of love.
Just by saying YES and joining… all who are participating are experiencing this awakening and quickening, within this powerful healing group dynamic.
You will experience…
4 LIVE Quantum Healing Calls including a 2-Hour Group Healing Circle call, all specifically focused on tapping into the quantum consciousness that forms with every participant who says YES to joining with this group.
Each of these 5 calls will be a combination of guided processes, meditations and conversations which will give you tools that you can utilize in your own life to heal, cleanse and exponentially support you.
PLUS Ongoing remote Energy Healings and Love being broadcast to support you through your challenges and guide you on your journey.
During these 14 days, you will be bathed in healing energies and love frequencies through remote energy healings, being transmitted and broadcast, which expands and grows with the community consciousness.
We all become a community of co-creators in this process – all of us flowing and receiving this life force energy and all you have to do is ask and allow.
The more we say YES and choose to play the more expanded the energy becomes for all of us.
These love and healing energies offer a buoyancy of support, helping you to maneuver through difficult times and tap into your truest, most beautiful self, to experiencing greater ease, connection and access into your inner calm…
Plus 1 [2-hour Live] Healing CIRCLE Group Call… as we join together and embrace and hold you, your family and friends in quantum healing energies…
During these this Live 2 hour Healing Intention Circle Call we will be a coming together with everyone in the group where we will formulate an ‘energetic circle’ to embrace and hold you, your family and your friends in healing energies with specific intentions.
In this quantum healing call we will be accessing a paradigm to ‘Broadcast and Send’ Love with specific focused intentions, leveraging the focus of each individual in the group so we can exponentialize our intentions and dynamically access and receive love.
Within this group environment, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to activate and command your love from within, generating an internal loving energy to powerfully broadcast love…and tap into the art of “sending love.”
There is a new paradigm of Sending LOVE that has a whole NEW meaning.
There is POWERFUL healing and life-giving energy for the sender and the receiver in the practice of SENDING LOVE.
LOVE is the central, most powerful, positive, energy in the universe.
It is time to choose LOVE!
For 14 DAYS you will receive deep, concentrated, grace-filled, focused intense LOVE AND HEALING ENERGIES… concentrated transmissions in the energies of manifestation, love and wholeness.
Your “being” will be attuned to the frequencies of Love and Healing.
Bathed in these higher vibrating energies that allow for true miracles in your life.
AND you will be shown how to send love to and bless each member of this 14-day community (including you!)
There is an ancient spiritual practice that to receive your desires, you activate and bless others who have a similar need or desire and therefore enable the desires to come to fruition.
If you want a new house… work for Habitat for Humanity and help another build their house.
If you want healing… you assist another with sending love and prayers for their healing.
Another ancient healing technique is to “bless” another with a healing intention.
Seeing someone else as the love they are, and that by them being “seen” there is an ignition of light and love that in turn creates new possibilities for them (AND YOU — because you are blessed when you bless).
This blessing technique will also be part of the program.
Now by tapping into the power of LOVE and healing, and offering a blessing and giving, you are helping all in the community, AND by being part of that same community you are also receiving.
Now, that is ON TOP of the container of love and wholeness that Mary will hold you in.
It is a holistic cycle of blessing, giving, RECEIVING and giving, blessing and again receiving.
This is your chance to receive BRAND NEW attunements and activations to help you shift into the love, peace, light and abundance you want and deserve.
- 14-Days of love and healing energies transmitted and broadcasted daily directly to you (in the background, just register and receive)
- 14-Days of love vibrational attunments and healing activations – energetically in the background
- 4 – LIVE quantum healing calls; you receive love and the deep healing through the healing and love content explored.
- PLUS 1 – LIVE [2-hour Live] Healing CIRCLE Group Call; where we all form a circle and through a guided process send love to family and friends during this fall and autumn season
- Love meditations, thought activations and practices
- Powerful love activations igniting an inner flame of love possibilities
- The potent sequential and cumulative affects of being in this field of love for 14 straight days
- The quantum power of the community – expanding group dynamics
- Receiving love blessings from each member of the 14-Day community
- Receiving the powerful blessings of broadcasting love to yourself and the community
To truly see the truth of YOU… through the eyes of love that sets you free.
You will be held in a space of love and healing allowing you to clear and open your field….
All of which allow you to powerfully connect to and align to more love and healing throughout this fall and autumn season and for any life situation: health, financial, and inner healing you desire.
March 2023 – Recalibrating to Joy 14 Day Immersion
Total of 5 Quantum Healing Sessions
4 Main Quantum Healing Session Live Calls
5th Live Session:
2-Hour Group Healing Circle Call
1st Session – Saturday – March 11th at 1:00pm (PT)
2nd Session – Tuesday – March 14th at 5:00pm (PT)
3rd Session – Saturday – March 18th at 1:00pm (PT)
4th Session – Tuesday – March 21st at 5:00pm (PT)
2-Hour Live Group Healing Call on
5th Session – Saturday – March 25th at 1:00pm (PT)
You will receive all audio replays and downloads to access all LIVE Quantum Healing Session recordings.
This will allow you to access and relisten to the audio recordings of all
4 Quantum Healing Calls and the 2-Hour Group Healing Circle as often as you desired.
You are about to be held in a space of love and healing allowing you to clear and open your field….
I am creating this opportunity so that no one is left out…..
YOU choose the value exchange amount that works best for you!
We are inviting you to sign up even if you are choosing the option of $27 so that we can receive your energetic agreement to participate in this offering !
We want everyone that is drawn to participate in this love and healing energy fest – to be able to join at the level you are able to contribute at…
14 Day Return To Love Healing Fest with Mary A. Hall
YES! I am ready to welcome in love…
The value exchange that feels “right” is the one that is right for you!
Trust your choice and know that all is in harmony!
Once in the Shopping Cart – CHOOSE the option coupon code (from above coupon codes) that is right for you!
Place the coupon code in the ‘Coupon Code’ box area and then “CLICK “APPLY” before moving on to check out.
Make sure the correct amount you are wishing to contribute is recalculated (by “CLICKING “APPLY”) before moving on to complete your order.
I am so delighted and honored you are joining us in this Fall and Autumn LOVE and HEALING FEST.