Accessing Divine Inspiration Coaching Program
with Mary A. Hall and Suzanne Murray!

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DATES: PRECALL April 13th and Coaching Calls: April 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30, May 5, and 7
TIME: Thursday at 5:30pm (PST) & Saturdays at 12:30pm (PST)

Introduction and PRE-CALL Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | April 13 | 5:30pm (PST)

1st Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | April 14 | 5:30pm (PST)

2nd Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | April 16 | 12:30pm (PST)

Support Circle Q & A CALL – Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | April 18 | 5:30pm (PST)

Support Circle CALL – Angel Message Readings | April 20 | 5:30pm (PST)

3rd Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | April 21 | 5:30pm (PST)

4th Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | April 23 | 12:30pm (PST)

Support Circle CALL – Using EFT to Anchor in your Sacred Messages – | April 25 | 5:30pm (PST)

5th Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | April 28 | 5:30pm (PST)

6th Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | April 30 | 12:30pm (PST)

Support Circle CALL – Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | May 2 | 5:30pm (PST)

Support Circle CALL – Angel Message Readings | May 4 | 5:30pm (PST)

7th Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | May 5 | 5:30pm (PST)

8th Accessing Divine Inspiration Call | May 7 | 12:30pm (PST)