Mary is launching for the first time a 22 day – daily group healing program through her ever popular Abundance ALIVE Healing & Coaching Online Community, where she will be helping you to heal and tap into your own unique Abundance Blueprint.

For 22 days, Mary will be holding a combination of live and remote group healings each and every day at 11:11 AM PST to open up a healing space to transform and shift the abundance energy of all those who join the program.

Each day’s healing will create new waves of healing
for you and for all areas of your life!

All 22 days will provide you with a strong resonance of Abundance Energy for you to tap into and learn to resonate to through each 11:11 AM PST healing.

–The first 11 days will be clearing and healing around your past, present and future Abundance energy signatures.

–The second set of 11 days will be healing and activating your resonance with your Abundance Blueprint.

The incredible power of group healings is that of the resonance factor created by all the participants on the line,
vibrating with their own abundance energy, creates a powerful resonance and vibration of remembering
that vibrates and awakens even further each participant’s abundance energy! Join us
to experience this amazing phenomenon of the power of the group energy.

On Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, at 11:11 AM PST, these healings will take place LIVE on a call which you can dial into or listen to on a webcast.

On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, these healings will take place remotely – which means you will not call in, however Mary will be accessing the healing energy at 11:11 AM PST on these days as well.

For all the live calls you will also have full access to the audio recordings. If you can’t make the calls live, the healings will still take place for you at each day at 11:11am, whether you are on them or not. The healing energy is also imbued on the audio recordings, so the more you listen to them, the more the energy will anchor in your body, open your heart and allow you to ATTUNE to the energy of abundance.

You will receive the healings EVERY DAY even if you aren’t on the 10 live calls. So every day at 11:11 AM PST for each of the 22 days, you will take a moment to just notice where you are and to know that the healing is taking place in that moment. The more you are able to listen to the 10 healing calls, either live or on the recordings, the more you will anchor the healings in your body, opening up your heart and attuning to the energy of Abundance.

  • Want to open to more peace, love and fun in your life?
  • Want to create a larger financial flow of abundance and wealth into your life?
  • Want abundant opportunities, abundant relationships and abundant success?
  • Want to step into a life of ‘flow’ where you are tuned into the abundance that is already here for you?

Abundance is a resonance deep within our core. In fact, it is an actual energy signature. When we begin to tap into this resonance, apparent miracles show up in our lives and we shift into new levels of ease and freedom. This signature lies deep within all of us, but we are often not attuned to this energy and therefore are not tapping into this flow of success and abundance.

As you open up and accept these healings, you will begin to resonate to the energy of abundance and this resonance will tune you into abundance in all areas of your life. It will open you up to heal the parts of you that aren’t in alignment with this energy.

Each day you will receive healing energies that will support you,
your life, health, well-being and abundance.

As Mary was playing in the energy of what this program would entail, she really tapped into the power of 11:11. As she played in the energy of this time, she found that it actually holds the energy of ALL IS POSSIBLE, which is abundance energy. She then felt into the power of holding the healings for 22 days (11 times 2), once again we are tapping into the energy of ALL IS POSSIBLE, further enhancing our potential for opening up to these possibilities of healing our abundance. 11 and 22 are also master numbers so this is a master program designed to ignite the master energies within you.

Mary will be holding these healings for all the members of her Healing and Coaching online community at Abundance Alive ( As you sign up for this healing program, you will have full access to the membership community for the duration that you remain a member.

    Look at all you will be receiving!

    As a BONUS Mary will also be hosting 3 live one-on-one group healing calls
    on Thursday nights at 5:30pm (PST) during the 22 Days of Healing.

    On these calls, she will be working with individuals one-on-one to answer questions, and offer additional coaching and healing. You will have access to listen AND to participate in these calls and to work with Mary live.
    Bonus Calls Thursdays Nights May 12th, 19th and 26th –

    NOTE: If you are ALREADY a current member of the ABUNDANCE ALIVE community, you do NOT need to sign up for this 22-Days of Healing. It is already included as part of your ongoing private member access.


    To Sign Up To Join Mary A. Hall’s

    And Receive:

    (Valued at over $770.00 (35.00 x 22 days of healings)

    ~ Regular $99.95 ~

    ~ NOW JUST $29.95 ~
    (For Monthly Access)

    By signing up for this coaching program, you will become a member of Mary’s membership community and you will have FULL PLATINUM access to this community for as long as you remain a member.

    As a FULL PLATINUM member you will receive ongoing support from
    Mary’s Support Circle Team and access to their healing sessions.

    Mary A. Hall is a healer and coach who is renowned for her ability to hone in, clear and help heal one’s abundance energy. She has spent years developing her understanding of the energy of abundance and fine-tuning her ability to access it. She teaches that Abundance IS an energy and flow and AS WE learn to play in our own innate abundance energy, we open to flow and expansion, healing occurs within our own abundance energy and amazing things start to show up in our lives.

    The result of Mary’s years of discovery is her revolutionary proprietary healing system to activate and clear and to open one’s ability to manifest abundance in all areas of life. Mary has shifted and healed the abundance energy of hundreds of clients, taking them to levels of wealth they’ve never before experienced. As she’s played in their flow, and watched in amazement as the gates opened and abundance began to flow to them in ever-increasing amounts, she knew she had to open up this healing and clearing energy for you. Mary infuses all of her programs with this healing energy, but has never before opened a program like this to do daily clearing, healings and openings for you and your Abundance Energy…

    ABOUT MARY: Mary is a renowned Healer, Coach, Author and Speaker. Her system for guiding others to connect to their Heart and Divine Essence has launched her to become known as one of the most profound Healers in the industry. At the heart of her work is her ability to see others for who they really are – as Divine Beings of Love and Light who are having a magnificent human experience. She radiates light and love onto everyone she encounters and holds a space of honor and compassion which enables and empowers others to remember their own true essence. It is in remembering and connecting to our heart and Divine essence where we can open the gates to a life free from emotional and physical pain, that flows with ease, well-being and abundance.

    Mary is a self-educated, life empowering “coach” that has many tools at hand to coach her clients from an energetic, cognitive and physical perspective into the open flow of life where well-being and abundance abound. As an E.F.T. master and Abundant Life Coach, she is celebrated for her amazing ability to guide individuals to clear, release and create new energetic imprints that allow them to resonate with, move into, and live from a new place. This new energetic signature becomes a higher resonating attribute within them, enabling them to open up to a life of abundance and ease. She is a passionate Healer with a profound intuitive sense that leads her straight to the root issue of any challenge one may be facing.