4th Call July 31st – Accessing Your Divine Guidance
Today was our 4th Accessing Divine Guidance call and today we explored The Divine energy of Money, the Divine energy of flow and abundance, and the Divine energy of resources.
Mary started the call by announcing that she will be Opening up a BONUS Q&A call this coming Saturday. This is a Bonus call to open the lines and allow you to ask all of your questions in order to ensure that you’re receiving as much support as you can on this journey.
Mary then dove into the content for today’s call – the Divine Energy of Money and Resources.
She shared that the unseen world encompasses everything. The reason we call it ‘the energy’ of money and resources is because we don’t see them. They’re very real, but we aren’t aware of how real they actually are.
She then explored the foundational layers that we’ve learned and played with to date, so that we could see how important these pieces are open the dialogue and receive Divine Guidance.
The 1st call was where we opened up an understanding of getting acquainted with ourselves. We did this through the YES and NO and we explored how this energy felt within our bodies.
In the 2nd call we listened to the beautiful support of the unseen realm – God, spirit, Source, the Universe. We saw that we often think that we’re alone but in fact we really aren’t. We’re actually fully connected to this compassion and support that sees us in a completely different way than we realize.
In our 3rd call, we opened up the space of getting to know the different aspects of our being – Our heart, our soul, our body. We saw that so much information is within us wanting to guide and direct us.
Mary then moved on to explore the topic for this call which is abundance and money and she shared that there’s this Divine resource that is always wanting to play and that is always here. It’s the unseen majestic world of support.
As Mary was preparing for the call she spent some time writing and inquiring about this topic, so she wanted to share on the call what came through by reading her writings to us.
Her question in writing was: “How can I help everyone tap into this unseen world of support?”
Mary received:
“Mary, in order for them to open to all that is here they must first trust. Trust is key to opening their eyes and ears to hear the support that has always been here. Why trust? It takes faith, belief and trust to believe in something greater than yourself and your own narrow understanding. You live in a world where we don’t believe or trust unless we can see it, experience it, hold it in our hands and say it’s real. Yes, you can feel, see and experience how backwards it is. You have experienced this. Faith and trust in the divine and the majestic world that is greater than ourselves actually opens you to open to more than what is truly real and allows you to be open to what is truly here for you in life. Mary, allow all to have breath with this….”
“Invite them and encourage them to suspend their disbelief just for a moment to see that there is actually an army of support that is here for them…”
“Tell them they have to ask. Tell them that it’s the step of stepping outside of themselves saying that ‘I know this realm exists’. I know this realm exists and to actually ask. It’s the revelation and acknowledgement that something beyond ourselves exists. All we have to do is ask….”
Mary said that there’s an abundance of resources in the spiritual realm that’s ready to burst forth. That there’s this whole army – this energy of flow and abundance that’s here at our beck and call. It’s us connecting with it that opens up this space. The Divine is here at all times willing to commune with us.
She invited us to know that we’re already connected and that you have access to it all, but we have to ask. The ability to ask, seek and knock is key to receiving all of the support, information and guidance that is here for us.
Mary then shared with us her writing that she received when she asked the Divine energy of money what it would like to share with her:
“Mary, I’m always with you. Supporting you. Flowing your way. You must be open to receive me. Yes, that is the key. Opening to receive all that I want to share with you. You can see how many of fear of not having enough shut down this flow of money to them. You must fully embrace the energy of yes, of open arms, of saying yes, I want to play and trust and flourish and yes I’m willing to play full out. For I have always been here. Remember and trust. I am here.”
Mary then asked : What would you like to share with all who would listen?
“Mary, I am that I am that I am. How you say? Yes, I am the creative force of prosperity of manifesting. I am the creative force of possibility. Can you feel it? Taste it? Experience it with your senses. I am here. Here to create a rich full life of delight and pleasure. …. Also, I am full of joy and carefree energy of embrace. Embracing life and the joy herein. Free expression of self and service to the betterment and greater good of humanity. You see, I am meant to help prosper the earth, the world and mankind. Now do it consciously. Deliberately blessing the majestic wisdom they are becoming…..”
Mary then asked the Divine Energy of Resources : What would you like to share with me?
“Do you really believe in me? You believe that resources must be sought after. To be hunted down. Is that true? If you stop to view your past, you will see that all resources showed up when you needed them. What is that? Because you consciously, diligently were looking for them. That’s the only difference. What if the only resources you would ever need or desire is right here right now. That’s why millionaires are millionaires…. Not because they’re smarted, but because they kjnow it’s here. They’re searching not because they’re trying to find it, but rather because they know it’s here and that it’s just a matter of time.”
After she shared these beautiful writings, she guided us through the writing exercises of the day. Here were the questions we asked after we completed the Releasing process:
Divine energy of money – What would you like to share with me today?
The Divine energy of resources — what would you like to share with me today?
Divine energy of flow and abundance -‘ what would you like to share with me today?
Once we finished with the exercises, Mary then opened the lines to allow many of us to share. It was so amazing to hear the beautiful sacred messages that many of you are receiving.
Mary would love for you to post what you’ve written below!
We invite and strongly encourage you to share your writings and thoughts from the content and exercises you learned from the 4th call of this coaching program.
In the week between the 4th and 5th call, you can use the Comment Box below to share with us as often as you’d like.
The more that we all share with eachother, the more that we feel encouraged and supported through this journey and often we will see that the messages we are receiving are truly coming from spaces beyond our thinking minds.
You can share with us the messages you receive by entering your messages in the Message Box Below and then
by clicking on the SUBMIT MESSAGE button.
NOTE: The NAME area below is provided for you to share EITHER your “initials” or a “code name” (like: joyful,
winddancer or a code name of your choosing) or your “first name” – which ever you choose.
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