Mary opened the call with Suzanne by sharing with us her own journey with the writing process. She has been writing every day and she is always surprised at what comes up for her.
She started by sharing with us how touched she is by hearing from each and everyone of us. She is in awe as she watches how we are all getting getting in touch with our truth in a new way that we may not have outside of this process.
“I’m so touched as I read the posts because I can see how people are so connecting to how much Spirit loves us..” Mary shared.
She then shared with us that she is in a place in her life right now, where she has a lot of things coming up, and is feeling compelled to do things she normally wouldn’t do. She’s feeling a ‘stretching’ as she’s moving into new endeavours and is turning to this writing process to get answers, support and guidance through her journey. She then shared her unfolding through her writing from today.
She shared that she started writing by first releasing and then she asked a question about something she wanted guidance around. She noticed that nothing came through as an answer to her question. So she thought, “Well, that’s interesting”. She then released some more, then asked the question again and still nothing came through. She just noticed and watched from a space of curiosity as the process unfolded.
What she realized, is that often times our question is much different than what Spirit wants to share with us. So sometimes there’s an evolution of a release until we get to the question around what Spirit has to share. Sometimes if we have a lot going on, we will continue with the releasing and this is an important part of the process as we slowly move toward the question that will lead us to the answer that is really here for us.
Suzanne then shared with us a beautiful text from Letters to a young poet written by Ranier Maria Rilke:
“Be patient with all that is unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them . And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer..”
Suzanne shared that sometimes we need to ask ourselves – ‘what are the questions we’re really asking right now?’
“Spirit knows what to say to all of us. In the time and space of Now.” Mary shared
Elizabeth shared that it’s an invitation go us and that Spirit is always here. There is nothing we need to do. We don’t have to get the right question.
“We want to live it all, not just accept the parts that feel good” she said.
Mary then went on to share that for some of us, we may want to look at incorporating texts from our Source of sacred spiritual inspiration. This can often be an incredible way to access information that is really deep and for you.
We all have our unique way of connecting to spiritual inspiration. Maybe it’s through rites and rituals from our religion. Maybe its Sacred texts or passages from Holy Books. It could be poems or quotes from inspirational writers. It may be lyrics from music. It may be our connection to the Divine or it could be our community interaction.
Suzanne then shared that we sometimes connect this way through nature or animals and she shared with us a poem:
Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you
Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here,
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.
The forest breathes. Listen. It answers,
I have made this place around you,
If you leave it you may come back again, saying Here.
No two trees are the same to Raven.
No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or a bush does is lost on you,
You are surely lost.
Stand still. The forest knows
Where you are.
You must let it find you.
Once we identify what it is that inspires us, we can then open up a space of inquiry around it. We just look at and notice those phrases that are dear to us and that hold a lot of information for us. Mary shared with us one of the passages that really holds a lot of truth for her:
“His compassions fail not. They are new every morning.
Great is thy faithfulness Oh God.”
She shares that when she hears this, it’s as though there is a whole book of truths that awaken within her. So, we can take these texts and really open up a space of inquiry. We could take one passage or line or quote and just write about it and see what it evokes from within us.
We then moved onto our writing exercise for the day. Mary invited us to take a piece of paper and divide it into 4 2×2 sections. On the top of each section we wrote one of the following words: Spirit/Divine, Heart, Soul, Body.
She then gave us 2 minutes for each section and we asked the question to each of these parts of ourselves: “What do you want to share with me right now?”
We only had a small space to write, so we received brief messages and yet so many of us found the process to be so inspiring and the messages we received were very dear and Sacred to each of us.
Mary Shared with us what she received:
BODY: Aha… at last I see you seeing us. Let us co-create a sacred dance of life
BODY (a 2nd time): Mary, love me, honour me, I am joyfully expressing you!
SOUL: You are on a blessed journey of love, of joy, of experiences, of splendour!
Then we opened the lines to allow for callers to share what they received. Here are some of the messages:
SOUL: “I am your breath of life. Like the wind in the trees. I am quiet and subtle and yet when you connect with me, I lead you down the path you most long to take.”
DIVINE/SPIRIT – “You are as sacred as everyone else on the planet.”
BODY – “I hold all that is sacred and Divine . to be cared for. Just as a young child cares for a new puppy.”
GOD/SPIRIT – “Precious one. I am always here for you. Always loving you. Always caring for you.”
HEART – “I love that you are living your life from your heart. Your center. The truth of who you are. You are safe in the world . Let your bright light shine.”
SOUL – “welcome home. As a little girl, you treasured me and knew that I was there despite the fear and the hurt. And you knew that you were being carried. Just know that you will always be carried.”
BODY – “Continue to be patient with yourself. Continue to honour and care for me as I continue to care for you.”
SOUL – ‘Who am I? I am the part of you. The deepest part of you who knows the truth. I am your essence and your being. I am always with you.”
SOUL – “In case you didn’t get it – Lighten up!”
SOUL – “Love yourself, your thoughts and images always.”
HEART – “Love. Love will keep us together.”
SPIRIT – “I’m here. I’m knocking. Open the door a little more.”
HEART – “Journey inward. Love yourself just as much.”
SOUL –“You are forever. Feel it. Follow your passions. All of them. P.S that was excitement!”
BODY – “Alchemy in progress. Nurture and nourish me.”
Divine – “I am everywhere. Really…”
BODY – “Trust Me”
Suzanne also shared another powerful quote with us:
“You are not meant to work out what your calling is. You are meant to pay tremendous attention to your world and your world will tell you what your calling is.” ~David White
WOW! Another amazing call. It is so sacred to hear how everyone is really getting their messages and connecting with Spirit in a new and exciting way!
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