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    To receive Mary's renowned Daily H.E.A.R.T. Meditation audio download, please sign up below.


    We will NEVER share, rent, or sell your information.This is for a digital download not a physical CD.



    Magnify What You Desire Each Day With Heart Centered Focus!

    I was guided to create this unique Heart Meditation as an amazing way to start off your day in perfect flow and magnificence. The audio is imbued with special healing energies from my H.E.A.R.T. Resonance technique, that you can feel as soon as you start listening. As you take time in the morning to activate your own heart, this energy will be anchored in for the remainder of the day, guiding you to the actions, circumstances and individuals that serve your Higher Purpose. By allowing space for your heart to lead you, you step into the flow of abundance, joy, peace and well-being. You tap into Divine Inspiration and are innately guided to the perfect actions that lead to the realization of your dreams. Your interactions with others become synchronistic and engaging and your days are filled with ease, free from the stress that your overactive mind can create.

    Sit back, listen, and bask in this amazing awareness of being showered with this heart energy, as your heart opens while becoming the perfect magnet for all you want each and every day.

    Simply fill in the form below and you will have instant access to the Daily Heart Meditation (value $47.00) as my gift to you. (This is a downloadable version only.)


    Complete the form below to receive Daily Heart Meditation MP3 audio



      I hope you enjoy the heartfelt meditation to help you achieve exactly what you want.

      NOTE: H.E.A.R.T. accesses the pure and primary essence of love energy, I have discovered a way to guide this energy into my client’s blocks, dis-ease, pain and dysfunction to create a new field of possibilities, enabling tissues, cells and beliefs to shift into a new form, and this energy is found in each word of this healing meditation.

      Thank you for your commitment to your ongoing health and wellness in creating your best life!


      Mary A. Hall