
My heart is so filled with joy that you have chosen to embark with us on this 10 Day journey of LOVE and Healing Energies.

Dates, Details and Access to Your Love & Healing Fest

You will receive ongoing Healing Energies and Love Frequencies Daily… PLUS you are invited to attend 5 LIVE Healing Calls

A Return To Love Healing Fest dates:
The 10 DAYS Begins on JUNE 2nd and continues through to June 11th

All LIVE HEALING ENERGY CALLS will be at 4:00pm (PT) – (California Time zone)

Monday – June 2
Thursday – June 5
Saturday – June 7
Sunday – June 8
Tuesday – June 10

PLUS the exciting news with these live calls, is you will have access to all the audio recordings/replays so you can listen and re-listen as often as you would like.

So if you aren’t able to listen in live – you will still have access to all of these Healing Calls (the audios) and all the healing energies within the calls.

AND of course you know that these beautiful 10 DAYS of LOVE and HEALING Energies are ongoing and continual whether you are able to join in the live calls or not… you still get all the wonderful healing aspects and love frequencies being offered and sent your way.

By joining Mary on this adventure………,.

She has heard the whispers of the divine,……

Call #1 (June 2):

Count Down Timer

Phone Number

Webcast Player

Question Form


Call #2 (June 5):

Count Down Timer

Phone Number

Webcast Player

Question Form


Call #3 (June 7):

Count Down Timer

Phone Number

Webcast Player

Question Form


Call #4 (June 8):

Count Down Timer

Phone Number

Webcast Player

Question Form


Call #5 (June 10):

Count Down Timer

Phone Number

Webcast Player

Question Form



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