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Accessing Your Invincible Presence & TRUE Source Of Infinite Abundance
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~ ACCESSING Your Invincible Presence & Source to Infinite Abundance
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A Brief Outline to Get You Started
The ACCESS Your Invincible Presence & Source to Infinite Abundance and LIVE Calls starts on May 23rd 2020. Dates and times can be seen below. Replays and Downloads will be available once the live calls are complete.
Know that the Quantum Healing Energies, and Love-infused energy transmissions have started as soon as you said YES and signed up – just sit back and receive the remote love frequencies and energy healings.
Look for your WELCOME email from ~ Mary A. Hall | InnerActive ~ and make sure you whitelist to receive all emails and updates pertaining to the LIVE Healing Calls.
Note: Below your Bonus Area
Accessing Your Invincible Presence & TRUE Source Of Infinite Abundance
Pre Call – Replay Available
8 Modules
#1 – Saturday – May 30th at 1:00pm (PT)
#2 – Tuesday – June 2nd at 5:00pm (PT)
#3 – Saturday – June 6th at 1:00pm (PT)
#4 – Tuesday – June 9th at 5:00pm (PT)
#5 – Saturday – June 13th at 1:00pm (PT)
#6 – Tuesday – June 16th at 5:00pm (PT)
#7 – Saturday – June 20th at 1:00pm (PT)
#8 – Tuesday – June 23rd at 5:00pm (PT)
Full List of Dial in Numbers:
Skype Users: To participate, you can connect to the calls by clicking the “Join Now” button and entering the conference ID, or you can connect manually by following the instructions for Mac or PC. For instructions, CLICK BELOW!
For help or support:
For help or support please email directly to our ‘Your Invincible Presence & Source to Infinite Abundance’ Customer Support Team – Jem Walden
If you are not receiving EMAILS:
Here are the directions for you to follow if you aren’t receiving your ‘ACCESSING Your Invincible Presence & Source to Infinite Abundance’ emails with all the details from ~ Mary A. Hall | InnerActive ~
1st) First email Jem at and let her know you are not receiving my emails.
2nd) Next go to and register for Mary’s Daily Heart Meditation on the upper right of my website and then email Jem so we can hook you up to receive emails for this program.
Dial-in Access Details:
Phone Number: (206) 402-0100
Plus Secondary Number: (425) 440-5010
Pin Code: 242926#
Below Link To Access Local & International Phone Numbers:
Accessing Your Invincible Presence & TRUE Source Of Infinite Abundance
8 Modules
Pre Call – REPLAY – Available
~ Pre Call – REPLAY) ~
Pre Call:
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I shared a bit of my life and life experiences I lived through.
Each of us has our own unique experiences that shape us.
The key is to be willing to let go of the self-critical and judgmental view of ourselves, and trust that all has brought us to right here and now.
I opened the lines for individuals to share what they most wanted to experience though being in this program.
I also posted link to download a questionnaire that I suggested that you take the time to fill it out before the program begins, (or as soon as you are able).
This helps you to see where you are now… and that by the end… after taking the questionnaire again, you be able to witness the NEW YOU that you have become.
Replay and Download Access:
~ Click pink button below to access your
Before & After
Workbook Questionnaire ~
~ Fill out this Questionnaire before you begin ~
~ Module #1 – REPLAY ~
1st Module:
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The first essential foundation and cornerstone of truth that must be experienced in order to activate our invincible presence is, that all of life LIVES and exists within a conscious field and living matrix of love!
This universal oneness includes all of life, the trillion cells within our bodies, the earth, and all of life in and on the earth and includes the totality of the earth itself.
Love’s true Divine Field of universal consciousness, connects us not only to our sovereignty as a being of light, but to all beings.
Getting intimately acquainted with with vital truth is paramount.
Experiencing the ‘energy of truth’ also produces an ‘energy fueling’ that initiates your very own energy to grow and expand… ‘you feel good’.
The energy of truth itself carries a ‘ping of truth’ when spoken out loud, that your whole body and system feels and experiences as solid and congruent… ‘as an ahhhh… and sweet spot’.
Take the time to create for yourself a ‘phrase of truth’ (or you can simply borrow a phrase below), that when you say it, you feel the deeper ‘ping of truth’ and that inner ahhhhh…
Truth Phrases that were shared and that resonated to the core in truth (that carried the ‘ping of truth’):
“Humans are a creation of Divine Love”
“Life and Love honors me, and I welcome Love and Life”
“Today is a Divine, Blessed, Infinitely, Abundant day”
“I am connected in every moment to infinite energy of Love and abundance, I am welcomed and embraced”
“May my deepest attitudes be pure”
“I am supported deeply by Love”
“I am in my bubble; I am safely held in Matrix of Love”
“I am luminescence of Love”
“I am supported in wild and majestic ways”
“I am the highest frequency of Divine Love, Divine Support, Blessed, Infinite Abundance”
“Infinite Love and Possibility are always here supporting me. I am on course; the universe has my back.”
“I am supported deeply by love”
WOW… as I read though each of the above ‘Truth Phrases’… my whole body was feeling the zing of truth, filled with joy bubbles of energy and vitality, the juicy flowing LIFE energy.
You can make a list of the above ‘truth phrases’ if you would like and ready them daily and continue to resonate to the juicy truth vibration and frequency.
The more you HONE your own signal and exercise your muscle for listening to and hearing the ‘ping of truth’, the closer you are to establishing a consistent connection to your invincible presence.
Enjoy the Replay!
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~ Module #2 – RELAY ~
2nd Module:
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“I exist in Pure Potentiality within the LIVING Matrix of Love”
We started off the call by doing a short review of PRE-CALL and Module 1:
During the PRE-CALL we explored the fact that we each have our own set of life experiences. And that it’s essential for us to bring a new depth of compassionate, conscious awareness, toward ourselves and to honor our experiences and all we have gone through.
This allows us to incorporate deep understanding and compassion towards ourselves and to begin to release the judgmental and often self-critical thoughts and opinions we carry toward ourselves.
As we do, it creates a powerful momentum, a cracking open of our hearts, in compassionate awareness, to be willing to enter into finding a way to release, discharge and to liberate ourselves from even those deeper upsets (we have held onto) towards those whom have mistreated us… not for their sake, but for our own liberation.
And the real truth, is this can ONLY be done from a higher vantage point, as we witness that we are much, much, MORE then the sum of our human experiences.
In fact, we are first and foremost, a LIVING Soul, existing fully, in and beyond this physical dimension, within a powerful field of pure potentiality, held and embraced within a LIVING matrix of Divine Love Energy.
In Module 1, we dove deeply into exploring this FIELD, this Zero-Point energy, this Divine LIVING matrix of Love, that the whole universe is held and exists within, this DIVINE web of living consciousness.
This higher, broader, viewpoint, initiates a much deeper truth that begins to awaken us, that begins to set us free from our old conditioning and limiting beliefs, that have in many ways been secretly holding us back, keeping us on this continual treadmill of searching for someone to free us, to tell us we are accepted, lovable, seen and loved for who we are, etc… (fill in the blanks).
These core limiting beliefs, that often originated within us throughout our youth, have often left us feeling in some way broken and frequently left feeling powerless within the circumstances of our life.
And when these childhood misperceptions aren’t healed and continue throughout all the seasons of our lives, any traumatic season or uncomfortable experience, continues to heaped on more lack and the belief that we need to CHANGE in order to be/feel good enough or just feel better.
The reality is we simply have this backwards. Instead of continuing to carry the misperception that we need someone to set us free, to accept us, love us, honor us, say they’re sorry… etc
It is here now, as we gain strength and fortitude from within our very own Soul-Light, and from this higher vantage point, from our powerful SOUL essence, LIVING and being ALIVE in this matrix of the Divine and Divine Love, that we begin to connect to and access our TRUE power, that has always been here for us and here to support us fully in this life time.
While getting support and healing along the way is paramount – The REAL key is having the deeper understanding that YOU can access your own Divine Soul-Light, resilience presence and your TRUE I AM Presence.
So you see, that the second and next essential layer and foundation of truth that must be experienced and laid, in order to activate our invincible presence is that, WE ourselves, are first and foremost a brilliant, powerful, SOUL essence first.
That we are a powerful Soul-Light, here experiencing ourselves, as consciousness, through conscious awareness, that we are POWERFULLY here and present within a human experience, our human experience.
And that WE all, within this field of pure potentiality, LIVING and exists fully, within a conscious field and living matrix of love!
Take time to explore your very own ‘Truth Phrases’ for our own unique Soul, Soul-light essence, (that carry’s the ‘ping of truth’):
Here are my truth phrases I shared during the call:
“I exist in Pure Potentiality within the LIVING Matrix of Love”
Note: The ‘I’ speaks to myself as my SOUL-Light essence – “I exist as SOUL…”
“I honor and embrace my soul’s perfection, as a living expression of my
soul-light signature of Divine and Divine Love”
Note: I shared that I would have never chosen the word ‘perfection’, but as I looked for the ‘ping of truth’ – Spirit kept nudging me to add it. And once I did the resounding ‘Yes’ (that deep ‘ping’ of truth rang strong).
“I trust my soul and my soul nudges, as the Breath of Spirit, is guiding me”
Note: Here the same thing. Until I added “Breath of Spirit” opened up a deeper resounding ‘Yes’ (that ‘ping’ of truth).
“I bring a gift to everyone I meet, and greet them with consciousness, conscious awareness, and witness them as a Divine Spark and Soul essence”
Enjoy the Replay!
And be willing to be compassionate for everyone and their life experiences, (including your own), as we each begin navigating back to the truth of who we truly are – As Divine, Soul essence, a Soul-Light Being, powerfully multidimensional, living fully beyond just this physical realm.
Replay and Download Access:
~ Module #3 – RELAY ~
3rd Module:
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Note: The second audio recording below is a guided meditation for connecting deep within.
Here are my truth phrases I shared during the call:
I acknowledge my soul as pure Divine essence and consciousness, within this playground of conscious witnessing, here with humanity, the earth, and the universe, witnessing the spark of the Divine in All.
I GRANT myself the right to exist!
In module 3 we are beginning to connect all the pieces together:
1) We live and exist within a benevolent, conscious, universe, that is held within a field of consciousness, a living matrix of love.
2) That we are each an extraordinary, Soul-light Being, with a unique signature and Spark of the Divine and essence of Divine Love.
3) And that all of life carries this same DNA and Spark of the Divine and essence of Divine Love within their own love/adamantine particles
4) And that as we become consciously aware of our Soul-Light essence and Being, even within this physical experience and physical body… we simultaneously become aware that we are also connected to the Divine/Spirit/Source/Universe.
That we are not merely humans, limited within our human experiences, seeking to reconnect back to the Divine…
But instead we are a Divine Soul and essence that is always connected to the Divine.
So whether we CONNECT to our Soul essence first or to the Divine first – once our true remembering is accessed – we see we are fully connected and have always been all along.
Now we get to see the deeper truth and awareness, that whatever is going on in our life experiences, what ever arises, there is nothing going wrong. That the Divine sees and beholds us right where we are with deep understanding, love and tenderness.
That it is in the experience of being LOVED that we are transformed.
This is how we with ease, move into acceptance of what is… able to let things go more freely… and it is through being embraced by love, that we step into changing gracefully with and through being loved as we’re embraced in this love essence.
5) We then took time to discuss the importance of creating your own spiritual practice to deepening your relationship to yourself (as Soul) and your connection to the Divine.
How you choose to connect is up to you. The key is that you DO CONNECT, and it is in this connection that you grow in accessing your invincible presence.
You can mediate on your own, or play a meditation audio and follow along.
You can pray or do your own personal connecting spiritual practice, or you could do a type of journaling, channeling type of writing like I do.
And that it is taking the time to connect that is the key.
Whether it was to connect first with your inner connection or to seek to connect with the Divine.
That either way, it comes back to the truth that you are at all times already connected to the Divine.
But it really takes you taking the time, to experience the connection that’s key.
I then led a guided meditation (the second audio recording) to connect deeply with and witness your true connect and your connection to all that is.
It was a beautiful experience.
Enjoy the Replays.
Replay and Download Access:
~ Module #4 – REPLAY ~
4th Module:
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Note: The second audio recording below is a guided meditation for connecting to your soul-light essence and accessing your innate declarative nature as soul essence, your birthright and divine inheritance, in the flow of the Divine and Divine Love.
Replay and Download Access:
~ Module #5 – REPLAY ~
5th Module:
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Note: The second audio recording below is a guided process for resetting your life and life experiences in order to live freely from a new space of full possibilites.
Replay and Download Access:
~ Module #6 – REPLAY ~
6th Module:
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Replay and Download Access:
~ Module #7 – REPLAY ~
7th Module:
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Replay and Download Access:
Even though rescheduled – I did a short guided meditation
~ Module #8 – Was Rescheduled ~
~ REPLAY Available ~
8th Module:
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Note: The second audio recording below is a short guided meditation for reset and welcoming love and harmony.
Replay and Download Access:
Module #8 – REPLAY ~
Rescheduled 8th Module:
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Your Bonus:
Bonus Video:
To start your day in love, harmony and grace:
Here is my very own daily visualization/prayer… that I decided to create a video of it for myself.
Enjoy! (I’ve decided to share it here with you)
Daily Morning Meditation to Infuse Your Day with LOVE and Healing
Mary A. Hall’s Morning Heart Meditation 7 mins
Here is one of my favorite videos on FORGIVENESS:
Let’s liberator ourselves from the chains: