Opening To Your Love Octave Of Wholeness and Abundance


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Quantum Love Octave Event



Congratulations!! I’m so excited that you have chosen to join us for our
Quantum Love Octave Event!! 




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Here are just a few comments from those who experienced the Quantum Love Event:

Good Morning Mary and Veronica! THANK YOU FOR THE AMAZING CALL LAST NIGHT!!!
It is so powerfully freeing and healing! I felt some huge, beautiful, love-filled shifts during the
call and throughout the night in regards to “worthiness”. With Mega Love and Thankfulness,

“Thank you Mary and Veronica for a beautiful call tonight! I am so very grate ful to be on this
journey with you both & everyone else! This fits so perfectly with the other things I am doing…..
eeeeekkkk  I can FEEL the LOVE….I can FEEL the HEALING that is already taking place!
I’m so happy, excited, humbled and honored to be here! Much love and many blessings to all!”

A powerful declaration that came to me during the call: “I heal from the inside out. I remember
the love that I AM, the truth of who I AM. I open my heart to this deep knowing as I surrender
all to all that is! I return to my true nature of light and love letting go of all the non-truths I’ve
acquired & accepted throughout this life & any past lifetimes, all imbalances, genetic
inheritances, taught fears & ALL that no longer serves me! I am open, I am willing and I say
YES to LOVE, I say YES to my heart! I AM LOVE! Thank you….and so it is!”

Thank you Mary and Veronica for tonight’s teleconference. It was amazing. I felt healing
heat energy 
all the way through and I Am still feeling it. Much appreciation. My cat “Love”
loves you too.

“Such a beautiful call!! Thank you sooo much Mary n Veronica!! The content was so rich
and healing. I’m thrilled n delighted to join in 
this healing journey with you of Love Octave!”


For those of you who are loving this content and who are eager to go deeper and learn more, we shared with you how you could continue with us for the next 3 months in a deep immersion of love energy, healing & coaching!!

AND, to make it extra easy for you to join us, I am offering you TWO SPECIAL GIFTS.

A special way to continue with the healing and love energies and the deep deep healing conversations that allow you to move past the old barriers and false beliefs that have kept you from receiving ALL THE LOVE that is here for you.

Join us for a 3-Month deep dive of activating, accessing and living into your quantum self as LOVE.

Access Special Offer:


Your Gifts:

1st)  A special $100 off coupon for joining us for this Quantum Love Event…. SPECIAL COUPON CODE:   LOVE
          (Please make sure you click Apply after entering your special coupon code upon checkout)

2nd) We opened up a SPECIAL 3-Pay option to help you say YES to opening up to your Quantum Love Octave.

THESE TWO GIFTS are limited and expiring in 24 hours.

Woo hoo!! The energy is really building as so many have already said YES to this amazing journey over the next 3 months.

And as you know, each and every individual who says YES to joining, automatically contributes their energy to the group — so what unfolds through
the 3 months is actually perfectly tailored and designed for you!
If you need assistance please reach out to our customer support gal – Jem Walden.

For help or support please email directly to our Love Octave Customer Support Team – Jem Walden  

Please be patient, Jem will respond within 24hrs.


“Love is the bridge between YOU and everything…  Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi


Thank you Mary and Veronica for the beautiful healing energies and activations of the heart. Thank you for the love and kindness and holding us all in this lovely space. Many blessings. ~ G

Thank you, Mary, Veronica and Jennifer, for all of your love and sharing your knowledge and energy with us. Your love comes through so clearly and on the replays too. My Aha-ha! is remembering how powerful my love is to me and those around me as well and how hurtful negative thoughts and words are. AND I always have a choice. Love you guys, ~ J

Thank you everyone, and especially Mary, Jennifer and Veronica. This has been hugely powerful and healing. … I opened to love, released, forgave – and especially forgave myself. I feel so much lighter now, more at ease, and more worthy of receiving. Thank you, thank you, thank you. ~ R

So much thanks to Mary, Veronica and Jennifer! I have gotten so much from this program, so many things have been opened up, so much awareness, and it has really heightened my determination towards self love, and to rid myself of self hatred and incessant self criticism and old fear and hurt. I’ve cried more in these last weeks than in the last 10 years, and it feels so good to release. Thank you to everyone in the group for your energy and my great love to all.~ L

Magnificent shifts are beginning to occur in my thinking, and hence energy. I am really seeing how it all has to do with my thoughts. When Veronica guided us in the meditation, I felt the freedom of releasing “my story” and “victimhood.” Then with Mary’s guided meditation, and reminder that no matter how long we’ve been holding a belief or a pattern, we can step into newness at any time. ~ J



I am so grateful for everything I have learned in this beautiful program. The awareness around the concept of self sacrifice and debts of IOU’s has been HUGE for me. I had no idea how that I was secretly controlling. I will continue to work with this liberating content and relisten to this amazing program. I thank you from the bottom of my opening, ascending heart for this program. ~ S

The 3 mantras/practices that I find myself using several times each and every day are: “Can I love myself in the face of this?”, and, “I am imperfect, I am enough, and I love me”, and, the pink bubble exercise. I am so excited to now start listening through the replays of the classes, to bask in the beautiful Love resonance, and even further expand Love. ~ J

Spent the evening yesterday relistening…..its beyond words…. that piece of consciousness around the debts and IOU”S I have I created for another.. and myself… by doing everything from expectation of receiving… instead of helping and being of service from love and just, being me…….and then forgiving… went deep.. and I am deeply touched by this and by your unconditional, overflowing Love Mary and Jennifer! just Thank you so much!! ~ V

I came across this quote which seems to describe the energy present here in this amazing LOVE OCTAVE coaching group.

Come out of the circle of time

Into the circle of Love.


~ J

Everyone’s intentions are so wonderful & from the heart. I feel so blessed in being a part of this loving community! Thank you everyone for all the love & light you are bringing to this beautiful time we all have together. May all of our lights get brighter & brighter & may we all continue to allow ourselves to be embraced by the love/light energy of spirit & continue to allow ourselves to open more & more to receive all that is ours to receive. Special thank you to the beautiful souls Mary, Veronica & Jennifer for making it all possible for us to say YES! Big hugs & love to all. ~ G

Mary’s love, energy or enthusiasm never wavered… I am so deeply grateful that I was lead to this Love Octave Coaching program. Thank you Mary, Jennifer and Veronica. ~ N

Thank you and much love to you Mary, Veronica, and Jennifer for this program, your love and your guidance. It’s been a powerful time at an important transition point for each of us and for our world. ~ R



Mary A. Hall

About Mary A Hall

Mary is one of the most powerful intuitive coaches. She not only leads in the field of abundance, wealth, money and success, she is also a renowned energy healer, assisting with physical and life challenges of all stripes and colors.

She has an uncanny knack for tapping into the level of flow, health and abundance and is able to then adjust the internal energies accordingly through coaching and energy work. Having worked with preeminent individuals; business leaders, health and wellness leaders, advertising and brand companies, doctors, financial advisors and more, she has proven over and over that there is always a point of access to shift one’s capacity for balance, harmony, abundance and health.

This is not just some philosophy or rote practice that Mary delivers, this is pure access. Mary helps individuals move the needle on their lives and open the floodgates of possibility. She creates a space of allowing for breakthrough changes in how one feels, looks at, and interacts with relationships, health, money, wealth and abundance, allowing in a new formed self love and acceptance. Get ready for your transformation.

Veronica RunyonAbout Veronica Runyon

Veronica is a powerful healer, with an intuitive ability to hone in on core issues, inviting a profound healing experience on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
She is a heart-based coach who guides her clients to a deep exploration and understanding of who they really are at their core; a Divine being of Love, allowing them to blossom in strength, peace and resilience.
She’s also masterful at holding a loving space while initiating healing activations and healing energies that profoundly supports all those in her presence.
She strongly believes that there is a Magnificence within each of us, that once discovered and shared with the world, enables us to live a life of ease, joy and abundance.