Your Abundance Miracle Matrix - Brilliantly Activating YOUR True Personal Power

Create a life you love and don’t need a vaction from!

Dear Precious One,

Have you ever secretly wished you just had a magic wand and, **BAM**… you could turn on miracles?

That you could simply “know already” the invisible barrier or obstacle preventing you from achieving your desires?

What if I told you that there is something secretly creating these seeming blocks to love, money and financial freedom.

And the keys to unlocking your heart & soul is truly and simply within your reach….

I have discovered what to do consistently that creates a specific Miracle Matrix… for miracles to emerge.

This Matrix becomes a blueprint that continuously supports you to become a fine-tuned, tuning fork of abundance.

5-Day Experience to Live the Life You Love!

This Matrix puts you in the ‘zone’ for welcoming in more love and abundance, with a real palpable feel-good freedom.

And it’s not only a matrix of financial abundance….

… I’m going to tell you a little secret…

These principles and energetics will also allow you to experience greater harmony in your relationships, inner wellbeing, health and wholeness…

And all this happens while creating a profound, positive, rippling effect out into all areas in your life.

All you need is to do is apply the Miracle Matrix principles to these aspects of your life… and **VOILA**… you’re in the ‘zone’ for miracles.

In fact, you’re about to find out how simple this really is, and the ease in which miracles start to show up… is nothing short of miraculous!

>>>>>>>>> (above you note to your ideal client)

Here’s to creating your BEST life,



What if you ‘could’ live full-out and create a life you love that you don’t need a vaction from.

Are you ok with just ok?
Do you answer fine even if you aren’t?

If there was a simple, easy way for you to create a life that you love without feeling guilty, would you finally create a life you don’t need a vacation from?

I created Design Your Life for women just like you, who want to have a Fabulous Future™ …

This program is for you if:

Here is a Short Preview Of This Powerful New Program:

How am I going to get my Fabulous Future™?
Module 1 – The Fabulous Future 4-Part System™
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results sooooo what you have done until now has only gotten you so far.

That’s why in module 1, you’re going to discover my Fabulous Future 4-Part System™ to shake up your routine and put you in the mode of getting what you want!

Module 2 – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, The Truth
As a grown woman, you have been through some stuff and it is time to take a snapshot now so you can look back at where you have been after you get what you want/  We are going to explore the state of your body, how you show up for yourself and others, the relationships you have and your money.

In module 2, you’re going to commit to the Raw Truth™  by reflecting on where you are, what’s brought you here and how you *honestly* feel about your life right now.

Module 3-Dream, Baby, Dream
The first step to getting what you want is knowing what that is. We often are so busy taking care of others that we’ve forgotten our own dreams and what truly you truly happy outside of material things and our families.

In module 3, you will  create a Vision Board of Dreams™ to help you figure out what an amazing life looks and feels like in all areas of your Fabulous Future™.

Module 4 – Why You CAN Have What You Want
Between society’s expectations, and what we tell ourselves about why we can’t be, do or have  it is no wonder why we are held back from being ourselves, going after what we want and living a Fabulous Life. “I can’t, because…” plays like a recording on repeat so many times, you’ve become immune to it.

In module 4, you will check in with who you are now and change your story, rewrite your Next Chapter™ to make it what you want moving forward..

Module 5  – How To Lovingly Let Go Of the Past So You Can Move Forward Fast

As you grow, change and move towards the life you want, everything else can’t just stay the same. Habits, things and yes, even some people may not get to be a part of your new dreams.

In module 5, you will complete your Make Room™ assessment to determine what and who you will need and want by your side as you step into your Fabulous Future™.

Module 6 – Your Pleasure Plan
You will take all you have learned so far and move from just dreaming about it to your new reality.  Now that you know exactly what you want, let’s actually make it happen so the rest of your life is delightful!

In module 6, you will create your Pleasure Plan™ to get everything you desire in your Fabulous Future™.


Here is more of what you will experience by being mentored in our private group coaching calls.

 Reclaim Your Hidden Power &
Embrace Your Soul Teachers

Each of us carry a distinct path — our soul’s path — it’s an unfolding and remembrance of our truest nature as love and light.

Have you noticed that most of the time you don’t really know your own soul’s path?

Yet as you go, it is uncovered and revealed in your life experiences.

Along your path, there are these teachers, that spur you on so-to-speak, that impact your life, right?

What if these souls are secretly pointing you in the direction that eventually leads you back to your true essence?

The trick is accessing your soul’s wisdom for engaging with these life teachers…

This clarity creates real freedom as it unshackles the chains of lack and limitation, freeing you to access your power, and in turn your prosperity.

All of your divine teachers create many catalytic moments that have pushed you into searching, seeking and remembering… who you are at your essence, your true divine Soul-Light.

And it is within these seemingly difficult life moments, spurred by your teachers, that you might even have hidden and locked away your power.

In module 8, Mary will reveal a practice to know in the depths of your soul, how to release any story that may have previously held you back from the flow of abundance and full expression of love in your life.

You will discover how to reclaim your hidden powers, while embracing your soul’s teachers in a new light…

So that you can truly put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your own healing and recover your true living power.

You will uncover where you have secretly hidden your power… and what to do to systematically unlock and regain your power for life, love and abundance.



3-maryahall-Number3onlyBi-Monthly Miracle Matrix Mentoring…
Healing & Coaching Calls (a total of 6)

You will also receive 2 live mentoring, healing and coaching calls twice a month over the course of your program.

• You’ll have the opportunity to work directly with Mary

• You’ll get one-on-one mentoring with your deepest questions that arise to keep you in your powerful momentum of creating your miracle matrix.

• You’ll receive a broad spectrum of healings that arise and are brought forward as Mary works with each caller.

• You’ll experience the powerful dynamics of group coaching that expands and broadens your ability to receive from all those being individually worked with.

• You’ll also receive personalized feedback to fine-tune your customized miracle matrix rituals that will empower you the rest of your life.


What You Will Receive
Recap Of Your Program:

• Three months of weekly, manifestation, Miracle Matrix Mentoring, to ignite your very own Miracle Matrix. These are LIVE coaching calls that will systematically build the clarity you need to access and build your miracle foundation.

• You’ll turn on your Quantum Abundance Miracle Matrix through 12 power-pack modules of guided, techniques, processes, tricks and tips to change your abundance paradigm.

• Bi-Monthly Miracle Matrix Mentoring… Healing & Coaching Calls (a total of 6). This is advanced Abundance Mentoring to fine tune all your miracle producing zones.

• Powerful Ongoing Quantum Healing Transmissions and love-infused energy transmissions, that happen in the background each day as I tap into each of you and support you in energetic transmissions and healing.

• Plus you’ll receive all the audio recordings for easy replay and download access.

• And you’ll receive powerful supportive bonuses to get you started right away



So Are You Ready …..

To Gain Access
To YOUR Miracle Matrix…

Are you ready to shorten your your abundance and prosperity learning curve… and save yourself years of struggle?

Are you ready to connect deeply to your soul and live a vibrantly, abundant life…

Are you ready to release the beliefs that kept you trapped in the illusion of pain, shame, guilt, fear and revenge…

Are you ready to liberate your mind and liberate your soul…

Are you ready to soar to new heights that you never thought possible before…

Are you ready to receive the wisdom of a master intuitive coach and healer who can truly support you in what’s next, and help you maintain that advanced level of consciousness into the next phase of our life.

  Join us in this brand new, never before offered,
abundance miracle matrix mentoring program,
to turn-on and activate your miracle matrix.

This course alone will re-alter the way you experience yourself… and your life!

What Mary is about to share with you in this program is nothing short of miraculous…

And it is going to rock your world!!

No matter where you are… this will revolutionize how you see yourself and your capacity to let in abundance and fully embrace yourself in love.

Here is where true possibilities emerge.

Say YES to creating YOUR Miracle Matrix….





“Mary’s heart-centered presence, spiritual depth and finely-tuned awareness of working with energy creates a powerful space for major shifts to happen in one’s life. I heard Mary speak and intuitively felt called to work with her. She is a gifted healer and I am so grateful to have found her. Our work together helped me transform some obstacles I was experiencing into opportunities for major growth and creative expansion. Our work together has been invaluable. Thank you so much, Mary!”

— Diane

“Mary, often people learn and practice new techniques etc…. and they work wonders in the moment and for awhile. The work I have done with you has been more than homework for the week, they are skills I have applied as homework for my life these months later. I share them with my clients and my client base is building more all the time because I have applied your insight to my own life consistently. Again not just as `this week’s homework` I am able to deliver it appropriately to others. Thank you so much Mary. I feel so very honored to work with you. Thank you.”

— Kim

“OMG Mary, I SO appreciate you as a huge light helping the planet ascend. I recognized that this is what your unique and powerful program is doing – with manifesting as the excuse. I told my fellow healer friend in New Jersey the same thing, which prompted her to purchase the program and is excitedly listening to the program. My friends and I agree, you are an amazing guide to following the heart – the dimension the planet is moving towards. And I’m getting there!! I’m so grateful.”

— Jane

“Mary is a true miracle worker. She guides you in a loving, gentle way encouraging the remembering of your divine connection. This remembering, allows the person you were always meant to become, to blossom fully in abundance and love. In deep gratitude and love!”

— Kimberly

“Mary, Your work is amazing! I’ve made such huge shifts with your gentle, powerful work. I truly feel acceptance and unconditional love from you – you don’t know how much I appreciate you! My transformation is amazing and due in a very large part to our work together! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”

— Maureen

“Mary, Thank you so much for all your wonderful work that brought forward such amazing awareness and increased energy into my life. I would have never linked my lack of physical energy to stuck emotions; and the results were astoundingly fast. I am still in awe of the things that you helped me uncover. Thank you!”

— Martiz

“Mary, I enjoyed your insights and healing tremendously. It was such a treat to work with you on so many core issues and stay in such a sacred space of love and connection. As a practitioner myself, I could really appreciate how tuned in you were. Whenever I would veer off or lose focus, you brought me right back, made it safe and always took the energy to the highest level of truth with abundant insight and compassion. It touched my heart and supported my work in so many ways.”

— Ronette

“Mary, your ability to read energies is amazing and has helped me deeply to start making such clearer decisions from my strength, instead of my fears. This has given my life a new found direction, following the yearnings of my heart. Your beautiful heart-centered warmth made me feel deeply supported and relaxed. You are truly a blessing for humanity.”

—    Edith

“My experiences with Mary have been nothing short of life changing. The person I was, prior to the many programs I have done with Mary is hardly recognizable. There have been countless awakenings and expansions I experienced. One of the most valuable lesson I’ve learned from Mary, is that the energy of the heart is powerful beyond measure. When you live from this high state of vibration, everything is possible. My life has never felt more joyous, creative and inspired by love.”

— Kim

“Mary, I gotta tell you, “seemlessly” seems to be the word. I can’t believe how easy you tap in and access what’s needed, and then deliver the insights and healings more relevant. Once again, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! I am blessed to have connected to you. The Universe certainly got me in touch with the right person!”

— Dave

“Thank you, dearest Mary.  I am so honored to have you in my life as the powerful and loving mentor that you are.  It is a gift that is beyond measurable worth, especially in regards to your helping me in my healing work…a TOTAL TREASURE!!!!  Words fall short…. Love to you always!”

— Bobbe

“When I started working with Mary I was stuck with a feeling of failure from a loss I experienced a few years earlier. The thing that was most transformational for me was Mary’s ability to get me to focus on very specific feelings. I was able to more from things being hard to a place of ease.  I now feel more confident moving forward in my business.  I know I can create it exactly the way I want and be successful. Mary is gentle and understanding and easy to work with and gives her heart fully. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her.  Thank you so much!”  

— Ingrid

“Mary, I just wanted to deeply thank you and let you know what a difference your work has made in my life. Before, I was waking up in the middle of the night stressed out. I was in a place of fear and desperation and unhappy in my career. Working with you has helped me release some unconscious beliefs that I didn’t even realize affected my career. I am now able to see the things that are “right” about my current role and in seeing the things that are “right” I know that I will draw more of what is “right” to me. Although my intention is still to create a job more suited to me I can honestly say I’m much happier and content where I am now… which is a miracle! Through working with you I know I am able to create/manifest this new role from a place of peace and powerfulness which is a completely different place than where I was in when I first started working with you. Once again Thank you so much!”

— Jennifer

“After having met Mary and working with her, I felt I finally found someone who could help me to better understand my experiences and help guide me to where I was heading.  For the first time, I felt like I didn’t have to choose my words carefully so that the person could clearly understand me what I was trying to convey.  Working with Mary has been such a blessing for me.  She holds such a beautiful space of expansion and fluidity where one can feel the freedom to truly honor themselves.  Mary enables healing to take place in whatever form it needs to be, and holds it with such tenderness and compassion.”


“There are also many huge shifts I see in myself. I am feeling safe and supported in life, and loved by God. I feel worthy of good. Amazing miracles are happening in financial support. I am beginning to feel powerful again. I virtually feel I have a new leaf on life. Even bigger than all these beautiful shifts, I have learned to love and accept and cherish myself. I am now aware that Love really is the “secret of life”, and I know it is the foundation for all this beautiful, amazing transformation.  With Infinite Gratitude!”

— Jem

“How does Mary do that? See me, see what’s possible and guide me to it so profoundly? I’m amazed and dazed at the elegance and simplicity, yet depth of transformation. She is what I have been asking for. I am changed, renewed and excited about life again.”

— Gail

“Mary, your work is amazing! I’ve made such huge shifts with your gentle, powerful healing work. I truly feel acceptance and unconditional love from you – you don’t know how much I appreciate you! My transformation is amazing and due in a very large part to our work together! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”

— Jennifer


Mary A. Hall

About Mary A Hall

Mary is one of the most powerful intuitive coaches. She not only leads in the fields of abundance, wealth, money and success, she is also a renowned energy healer, assisting with life challenges of all stripes and colors.

She has an uncanny knack for tapping into the level of flow and abundance and adjusting and calabrating the internal energies through coaching and energy work.

Having worked with preeminent individuals; business leaders, health and wellness leaders, advertising and brand companies, doctors, financial advisors and more, she has proven over and over that there is always a point of access to shift one’s capacity for balance, harmony, abundance and health.

This is not just some philosophy or rote practice she delivers; this is pure access. Mary helps individuals move the needle on their lives and open the floodgates of possibility. She creates a space of allowing for breakthrough changes in how one feels, looks at, and interacts with relationships, health, money, wealth and abundance, igniting newly formed self love and acceptance. Get ready for your transformation.